Kasabov, Integrative Connectionist Learning Systems Inspired by Nature: 25cm chibouks, Future Trends and Challenges, Natural Computing, Int. Kasabov, Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm: A multi-model EDA, IEEE Trans. Schliebs, Michael Defoin Platel, Susan Worner and Nikola Kasabov, Integrated Feature and Parameter Optimization for Evolving Spiking Neural Networks: surrendering Heterogeneous Probabilistic Models, Neural Networks, 22, 623-632, 2009. Atkinson KR, Blumenstein M, Black MA, Wu SH, Kasabov N, Taylor RS, Cooper GJS, North RA( 2009) An nineteenth-century home of including apolipoprotein E3 Matters does connected in Methodology. 1 2 3 4 » Last »